Hi, I’m daniela miranda.

It all begins with the heart.

I often talk about my first Cacao experience during my ceremonies. I remember I had so many questions and knew intuitionally that it was exactly what I needed.  At that time, I felt lost and disconnected from myself and my roots. My heart was closed, and I couldn’t trust anyone, let alone myself.

I thought I was doing all the things. Being mindful, reading all the spirituality books, and connecting to other like-minded women. But still, I felt something was missing.

What was missing was my connection back to myself and my ancestral roots. And still I held so much shame around my cultura. I knew that the answers lay within me and not outside of myself.

Then came my first sip of cacao. It tasted like home. Like something I needed to remind myself of where I came from. In that first ceremony, I asked Ixcacao to guide me back to myself. Back to a place I was missing for so many years and didn’t even know.

My Abuelita came to me on that journey. She swooped in to show me Mi Tierra. She asked me to let go of all the ancestral hurts that have plagued the women in our family for generations. She said that it wasn’t mine to carry anymore.

And so I embarked on this beautiful journey with the plant medicine, Cacao. To unlock and untangle all the ways that I held myself back and all the ways that I wasn’t living life to the fullest. Cacao gave me clarity, but most importantly, it led me back to myself and my ancestors.

My Approach

It all begins with keeping your heart open through it all. Cacao takes you to the door but it does not push you through it. That choice is yours to make.

Get to the root of it

By getting to the root cause, we can promote healing and growth on multiple levels, from the individual to the organizational or community level. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of the issue at hand, encouraging empathy, collaboration, and shared responsibility. It also promotes long-term resolution and prevention of recurring issues, leading to increased efficiency, resource conservation, and overall well-being.

In essence, addressing the root cause of a problem is a holistic approach that acknowledges the interconnectedness of systems, individuals, and the environment.

Creating Boundaries

Creating healthy boundaries is essential for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life. By establishing clear boundaries, you prioritize your well-being, communicate your needs and values, and foster healthier relationships built on mutual respect and trust. Boundaries also promote self-awareness, empowering you to learn more about yourself and make choices that align with your needs and values. Overall, boundaries are a crucial component of personal growth and self-care, helping you navigate through life with greater confidence, integrity, and fulfillment.

Trust your inner wisdom

Your inner wisdom is not just a passing thought or feeling, but a powerful force that connects us to the mysterious and unseen aspects of our existence. When we tune into our inner wisdom, we tap into the divine wisdom of the universe, the collective consciousness that guides us on our life's journey.

Our intuition is a bridge between our physical reality and the spiritual realm, allowing us to access the wisdom of the ages and the guidance of our higher selves. By trusting our gut feelings and following the intuitive nudges that arise within us, we align ourselves with our soul's purpose and tap into the flow of the divine energy that moves through us and all things.

Connecting to your ancestors

Connecting to your ancestors provides a sense of identity and belonging, emotional healing and closure, spiritual guidance and connection, and inspiring resilience and strength. By understanding your roots, traditions, and cultural heritage, you gain insights into your family history and personal challenges, promoting emotional healing and self-awareness. Additionally, this connection can provide a spiritual grounding, fostering a sense of purpose and meaning. Ultimately, learning about your ancestors can inspire resilience and determination, empowering you to navigate life's challenges with greater confidence and fortitude.