Intuitive Energy healing

a path to approach the energy of life. Read the article to understand its meaning, modalities, sessions, and more.

Intuitive Energy Healing is a mix of advanced energy healing practices such as:

  • Emotional Cord Cutting

  • Emotional Energy Healing

  • Channeled Messages

  • Chakra Healing

 This treatment starts with a diagnostic consultation (using personal development coaching techniques, and an energetic body scan).

It’s combined with energy healing treatments your energy fields resonate most with. 

What is Intuitive energy healing

Intuitive energy healing is all about getting in tune with your body's subtle energies. It's like a mix of ancient wisdom and modern magic, where a practitioner uses their intuition to work with their energy field and help you find balance and harmony.

Think of it as giving your body's energy a tune-up—like taking your car to the mechanic, but instead of changing the oil, the mechanic is using energy-healing techniques to clear away any blockages or imbalances that are holding you back. And the best part? You don't even need to lift a finger—just sit back and let the magic happen.

So if you're feeling out of whack, intuitive energy healing might be just the thing to get your chi flowing again

what are the signs I need a session?

  • If you are feeling constantly drained and tired, if you are waking up tired, if you are struggling to get off the couch and be productive this is a good sign that you are carrying around energies that don’t belong to you.

    It is important to evaluate your calendar, your mental health, and to take into consideration outside factors such as having young children, mental health disorders like ADHD or AuDHD and your existing boundaries.

    It’s time to make your health a priority and take back your power. Take it slow. A cleansing salt scrub 3 days in a row will make sure to bust through that extra energy you want to rid yourself of.

  • Oh, parents out there, you know the drill. You drop your little one off at daycare or school, and suddenly, your house becomes a revolving door for every germ and virus known to mankind. It's a non-stop party for sickness, and you're the unwilling host. But what if you don't have kids, and you're still finding yourself under the weather more often than not? Well, it could be that you're holding onto some foreign energies that are messing with your own personal energy.

    Think of it like this: fighting off those foreign energies is like trying to swim upstream during a monsoon. It's exhausting and can leave you feeling drained and run down. It can mess with your sleep, your mental health, and even your physical health, making you more susceptible to illnesses. So, what can you do about it?

    For starters, boosting your immune system with natural supplements like Echinacea, zinc, Vitamin C, garlic, and oregano oil can help give your body the extra support it needs to fight off foreign energies. But let's not forget the power of some heavy-duty spiritual cleansing. It's like taking a spiritual disinfectant to your energy field, clearing out any negative vibes, and making space for some positive, healing energy. So, don't just treat the symptoms, get to the root of the problem, and give your immune system the boost it needs to keep you feeling your best!

  • So, you're doing everything you can to stay hydrated, avoid allergens, and minimize stress, but those pesky headaches just won't quit. It's possible that there's something else at play here—like holding onto some energies that aren't your own. When that happens, your own energy has to work overtime to keep your personal power strong, and that can be exhausting. It's like your body is constantly fighting a battle, and those headaches are like warning signals that something's out of whack.

    But don't despair, there are some natural remedies that can help alleviate the pain. Caffeine and magnesium are two such options. Caffeine can help restrict blood flow and alleviate the pain, while magnesium can help maintain nerve function and alleviate headaches.

    So, if you're feeling like you're carrying around some extra energetic baggage, give yourself a break. Take some time to recharge, hydrate, and replenish your energy reserves. And if those headaches persist, reach for some caffeine or magnesium to help alleviate the pain. Just remember, taking care of yourself is always a priority.

  • Alright, let's get real for a minute. When we're carrying around heavy or foreign energies, it can feel like we're trudging through quicksand. And one of the first things to go is our social life. Suddenly, replying to texts, emails, and phone calls feels like climbing Mount Everest. We know we're just trying to conserve our energy, but it's also cutting us off from our support system. It's like being trapped in a negative feedback loop, and that heavy energy just keeps getting heavier.

    But here's the thing—that heavy energy is sneaky. It creeps up on us, slowly taking over until it's got us in its clutches. If you're finding yourself in hibernation mode, it's time to take action. Break out the sage, light some candles, and do some serious cleansing rituals. And if that's not enough, it's time to call in the big guns—your support group.

    Spending time with the people you love can be like a breath of fresh air, helping to shift that heavy energy and lift your spirits. So, go ahead, laugh, watch a movie marathon, or take a dip in the pool with your favorite people. Water is a powerful cleansing tool, and with the right intention, it can help wash away all that heavy energy that's been weighing you down. Just remember, you're not alone, and with the right support, you can break free from that negative cycle.

  • Okay, so disassociating is when you feel like you're watching your life from the sidelines, or like you're just going through the motions on autopilot. It's kind of like when you're scrolling through your phone and suddenly realize you've been staring at the screen for an hour, or when you zone out and suddenly snap back to reality, wondering where the time went.

    Now, we all need to disconnect and decompress sometimes, but if you're finding yourself checked out more often than not, it could be a sign that you're carrying around some heavy energetic baggage. It's like your mind is trying to escape the clutter by taking a vacation to a different dimension. But here's the thing, you don't have to go through this alone.

    If you're feeling overwhelmed and need to disassociate, it's okay to take time out. Let your partner know what's going on, and take a few moments to recharge and recenter. And remember, your support group is there for you. So, reach out, connect, and let them help you lighten that energetic load.

    Doesn't it feel empowering to take control of your energetic well-being?

  • Alright, let's talk about ADHD and executive dysfunction. It's like your brain is a car stuck in neutral, and no matter how hard you try, you just can't get into gear. The weight of every little decision feels like it's crushing you, and the overwhelm is real. It's like there's a hurricane of thoughts swirling around in your mind, and you just can't catch a break.

    Now, let's talk about energy. When your aura is full of discordant and conflicting energies, it's like a traffic jam in your mind. Everything is fighting for attention, and it's impossible to focus. It's time to give your energetic space a good spring cleaning. Get rid of all the junk that's no longer serving you, and make room for some positive, supportive vibes.

    One great way to start is by making lists. Get all those chaotic thoughts out of your head and onto paper. It's like a visual decluttering of your mind. And when you see everything laid out, you can start to prioritize and organize, which is a powerful first step to overcoming executive dysfunction. Plus, it's a great way to prepare for any cleansing rituals or spells you might want to try.